28 June 2008

Kung Fu Panda [2008]

Its amazing how kids movies has such deep meanings.

This movie is awesome. It teaches a lot about life. How you are what your mind is...meaning, if you dream it, you can become it.

All you need to do is let your mind see what you are.

Chase your dreams
Kung Fu Panda dreams to be a Kung Fu hero
Your dreams. Remember when you were young, and you wanted to be something when you grow older?
Do you remember what it was that you wanted to be?
Has it changed from then to now?

Your dreams will not chase you, you must chase your dreams. Your dreams is something you want in life. Something you REALLY wanted to do. Most people will not chase their dreams. They give themselves all sorts of reasons why they shouldnt chase their dreams.
- No money - No time - Its too hard - I'm not smart enough to do it - I dont have enough people to help me - Its too big for me to handle - I cant handle the stress - I want to have a life - People will think unfavourable if I did it - It wont work - Im a failure

There's so many excuses out there, that I can keep going all day and still not be able to cover it all. You can tell yourself anything, and you wont be chasing your dreams.

What if I told you I had this magic wand, and that if I whirled it on top of your head, you will have THE magic ability to overcome your excuse!

Now, picture yourself chasing your dreams. You gave yourself an excuse as to why you havnt started chasing it. Now imagine that the excuse is out of the picture. TELL yourself that from the POINT WHEN you start chasing your dreams, EVERYTHING from then on is possible...and I mean EVERYTHING. Now, imagine you achieving your dreams. No restrictions is possible when you believe you can achieve EVERYTHING when you set your mind towards chasing your dreams.

From the point that you decide you will be chasing your dreams...your mind will find ways to make it work. That is the magic behind believing in yourself. You will start to make your unconscious mind find ways to make your dreams into a reality...that is MY proven fact to you. I cannot prove this scientifically, but it is there for you to believe in me for when I say it.

Your mind will create your pathway towards your dreams. Deciding you want to chase your dreams is just half the picture. The other half, your mind will lead you the way, you just have to believe in yourself and do what your mind tells you to do.

From the moment Kung Fu Panda believed that he could achieve his dreams, the sky was the limit.

Never give up
Persistence is the MASTER of all secrets to chasing your dreams and achieving it. You should NEVER ever give up, regardless of how hard the going gets. Sure you might fail here and there. It means your plans wasnt the right one. Change your plans and keep chasing your dreams. When you keep going when the going gets tough, nothing can stop you. You will eventually win...guaranteed!

Kung Fu Panda - he never gave up when he was fighting for his food ... and neither should you. See where his persistence to chase his dreams took him...? He made it in the end.

Mind over matter
No matter how hard the going gets, its mind over matter. Your persistence will create a wall of strength for your body to follow. The stronger your mind, the stronger your momentum will be at chasing your dreams. Nothing can stop you when you mix persistence with mind over matter...

Remember Kung Fu Panda fighting for the dragon scroll and it was up so high that he had to imagine the scroll as a peice of food for him to push past his limits and getting the dragon scroll? Its mind over matter.

You are, what you believe in.
When you believe you can do it, you will be able to find ways to achieve it.

When SiFu believed he can train Kung Fu Panda to become the Dragon Master, only then can it happen.
When Kung Fu Panda believed that he is the Dragon Master, only then was he the Dragon Master.
Believe, and you shall achieve.

Do something you love, you will be rewarded.
Why do something that you do not love?
When you do something that you love, you should not consider it as work. It becomes a hobby. Doing something that you love doesnt mean you are working...others will think that you are working, but you and yourself will conceive it as pleasure...since you are doing something that you love.

When you do something you love, and you do it right, you will always be able to make money from it so that you can be rewarded for your efforts.

Sure some people dont want money, but there are other ways you can be rewarded too, like helping others, making the world a better place. There are SO many options out there, that when you are doing something that you love, you will be benefited in a way.

Kung Fu Panda did what he loved ... he loved Kung Fu. He benefited his hometown from destruction. He made the world a better place.

Nothing is an accident

There is no accidents. Everything in this world balances itself. It might tip one side to the next, but over time, it will balance itself. Karma is the word...even if you do not believe in it, it is the largest accounting system in the world. Everything balances itself.

As you keep chasing your dreams, persists in chasing your dreams, controlling your mind, and believing in yourself that you will achieve your dreams, things will fall your way that you think its a accident...that its like a dream.

Nothing in this world is an accident...it all happens for some reason. It is up to you to find out what that reason is. Look towards the positive reasons, and you shall find yourself embracing opportunities that comes your way, and taking advantage of it and furthering your causes to your dreams.

Kung Fu Panda landing at the foot of the Turtle was no accident.

- Chase your dreams
- Never give up --> Persistence wins
- Mind over matter
- You are what you believe in
- Do something you love, and you will be rewarded

03 May 2008



I couldn't sleep a couple of nights ago and I watched American Gangster. Then it hit me...whats most important in life? ... HAPPINESS is very important, so I reflected this word.

I'll show you what I wrote...


What is happiness? Happiness is not what you get. Its not what you have. Its not what you are doing.

Happiness is the journey towards your goal. Towards your achievement. Happiness involves the journey in life --> Your journey to becoming successful.

If your goal is to achieve success, then simply being successful will not keep you happy. The point whereby you achieve your goal of being successful is just one point in your life. The journey towards achieving success is much longer than the point in which you achieve success.

This is why more emphasis should be focused on the journey towards your goal in life. Your journey should consist of happiness, with the end result a minor factor.

Happiness in life is the most important aspect towards self fulfillment.

Even when you have achieve your goals, you will be happy for that particular moment, but after that --> chances are you will create another goal to achieve.

The main focus should consists of the journey towards your desire and idea.

When your mind is ready for success --> You will already have thought of your idea and have built your desire.

Mix desire with persistence and effort towards your idea, and you will ultimately achieve your outcome. The journey towards this outcome should be full of happiness and laughter.

Only then would your achievement be worth the outcome!